Sara Lew mixes a hybrid of singer songwriter, Alternative Indie rock, Low-fi. During 2024 she will release a new album. Three singles "Out of Nowhere", "Shady Light" & "Faces" has been released. The last album "Sunday Morning" 2019, had good press coverage. GAFFA DK Music magazine: "..Sangene og musikken er alle ekspressive, enkelte endda ganske tunge og ildevarslende, under alle omstændigheder uafrystelige...Sara Lew sprænger rammer, får bånd til at briste og lægger comfort zone behind. " wrote: "Danske Sara Lew bygger arabesker og drømmende konstruktioner op på et album, der veksler smukt mellem et æterisk svimlende og et mere skramlet rockende lydbillede."..."Sara Lew har en forbistret smuk stemme, der gør sig vanvittigt godt på alle albummets otte skæringer, som kommer omkring livet i al dets vælde, om familie, kærlighed og natur." First Single “You Said”, had a fine Premier on CLASH Magazine: “A string of infectious, artful singles have stamped out her pop identity, dreamy but affecting songwriting delivered with no small degree of style. ‘You Said’ is a beautiful return, matching interlocking guitar lines – think Galaxie 500, for example – with her half-sighed vocals.” Accompanying release of Black Feathers 2016 she did a live recording for Daytrotter radio live session in London. Live performance connecting to album releases a.o. Byhaven-Pumpehuset, IdealbarVega, Loppen, Jazzhouse, Voxhall, Spot Festival 2016 & 2019. SARA LEW is the singer and guitarist Sara Lewis Sørensen, based in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Interview P6 BEAT debut – 29-05-2019:
GAFFA 4 Stjerner:
Undertoner 4,5 Stjerner:
GFR 4 Stjerner:
Imperfect Fifth UK:
Interview – Vents Magazine
XS Noize
Vents Magazine
God Is In The TV
Find A Song
High Violet
Skope Mag US
Top 40 Charts US
Good Because Danish
For The Rabbits Premier:
Bands Of Tomorrow Premier DK:
Clash Magazine Premier UK:
Good Because Danish interview:
With Guitars ”Could LEW be the danish Anna Calv?”:
Info og omtale Album Black Feathers 22 april 2016:
Interview med The Lake Radio d.10/5-2017
“… og der er potentiale til at nå et internationalt publikum i LEWs lyd, der rummer elementer af både støj-rock, folk og trip-hop, som mødes i en velfungerende symbiose. Sættet afsluttedes af ‘Cave’, som velfortjent har fået en del opmærksomhed…”
Good Because Danish:
“…And finally a Danish name as well! I discovered LEW through SPOT Festival’s Spotify playlist for this year. I instantly liked the melancholic melody of the track “Lights On” and the slightly retro voice of Sara Lewis, aka LEW. My curiosity is piqued – bring it on SPOT 2016!”
Interview – For The Rabbits An alternative Music Site UK:
“The resulting record is a varied and thrilling selection; whether it’s the exquisite dark-pop of Lights On, the haunting electric guitar work of Raven or the stripped back folk of Home, throughout the record Sara takes the foreground. In the stunning guitar playing, and the emotive vocal delivery, Black Feather is never anything less than delightfully human.”
Interview –
“LEW udsendte tidligere i år det roste debutalbum, Black Feathers, og i slutningen af april blev det også til en vellykket koncert på Spot Festival. Kort efter koncerten fangede jeg Sara…”
Album Black Feathers Omtale:
5 Stjerner:
“LEW leverer en stemningsfuld og helstøbt sammensmeltning mellem flere musikalske universer på debutalbummet Black Feathers, som nok skal få et rigtigt godt tag i de tålmodige lyttere.””
“Man skal altså være tålmodig for at udforske LEW’s univers, og det kræver også opmærksomhed og flere lyt at hænge på undervejs. Er man til gengæld tunet ind, bliver man belønnet med et både lyd- og stemningsmæssigt helstøbt, men samtidig nuanceret album, der udforsker grænselandet mellem det mørkt folkede, det støjrockede og det triphoppede. Lyden er grundlæggende ret udansk, og der er formentlig et større publikum til LEW’s musik udenfor de danske grænser. Det bør dog ikke forhindre nogen herboende i at investere i Black Feathers, som er en glimrende debut.”
Fransk Blog, Music, books and poems
Månedens Album:
“LEW er dette forårs smukke skandinaviske overraskelse. Elleve numre / sange som omgående skal opdages på Spotify.”
UK Aesthetica Magazine:
“. . .Black Feathers has the feel of a lost note scribbled on crumpled paper. With hints to a folky past, these 11 songs stands out as unplugged, unsettling pop that demands repeat listening.”
Tasty Fanzine UK:
“Lew’s voice avoids sounding overly dramatic and she and her associates bring an edgy, occasionally venomous energy to the songs, notably the tightly controlled cadences of ‘Lights On’, the chaotic guitar interplay of ‘Into Your Love’ and the epic romanticism of ‘Riverstone’. If the overall tone of ‘Black Feathers’ is a dark one, Lew’s vision is far from bleak and her songs contain a definable warmth even at their most challenging, musically and lyrically.”
Scunthorpe Telegraph UK
““BLACK FEATHERS” – LEW (DME) – An impressive debut indie rock album from Danish singer-guitarist Sara Lewis and her three-piece band.Lew has been compared not unfavourably to PJ Harvey and hopefully she could make the same international impact. 8/10.”
Roots and Branches UK
“Patti Smith is an occasional reference point, especially on the more sonically muscular numbers Cave. We’ve Said Enough and Into Your Love while the seven minute rumble of Choose and the pulsing strings Riverstone sport Nick Cave resonances. There’s alt-folk colours here and there, notably with album opener The Dirt while pop sensibilities are evident on Lights On and the album closes on a relatively lighter acoustic note with the rippling, cobwebby Home. We will, I suspect, be hearing quite a bit about her in the coming months.”
Månedens album I ELLE Magasin 4/6 EEEE:
“…spiller gennem sin første albumudgivelse ikke på så få strenge, og alligevel er albummet Black Feathers en både helstøbt og personlig samling numre fra den unge singer/songwriter…”
GAFFA 4/6 stjerner:
“Hun leverer en spændende vare på sit glimrende debutalbum. Det er et tilrøget dunkelt og dystert univers – ikke mindst ved teksterne, der inciterende kredser om (for)tab(else) og fortvivlelse, men også livsforandringer og nøgne iagttagelser – og konstant får man følelsen af hengiven og følelsesladet indlevelse ved hendes smukke stemme.”
“Musikken er meget melodiøs og lettere mørk, og mørket stammer sikkert fra det tekstunivers, som man finder på pladen, hvor sangskriveren Sara Lewis i et billedrigt sprog kredser om kærlighedens og hverdagslivets skyggede sider. Lewis bakkes fint op af Anders Wallin (bas og tangenter), Jakob Høyer (trommer) og Nils Grøndahl (violin og pedal noise). Men det samlede udtryk er præget af, at Saras smukke, mørkt farvede stemme står centralt i lydbilledet, medens de andre musikere skaber en bund af tid tider dissonant og støjende dybde.”
UK Premiere GoldFlakePaint:
“Led, once again, by her wonderfully robust vocal, the new track ploughs head-long in to the night in a decadent flash of smouldering synth lines and stark bursts of guitar.”
Track Of the Day GFR:
“Singlen “Cave” rummer tonerne af melankolsk fændende rock.”
OMTALE Lights On:
Premiere Nordic Spotlight US:
“…So when the melody kicks back into gear and Lewis moans and whimpers over it with that fairly incredible singing voice of hers, you feel like the bottom just dropped out beneath your feet and you’re soaring peacefully towards the ground…”
Premiere Gaffa:
Premiere For the Rabbits:
“..Building from a bed of glistening synths and rolling drums via a beautifully unhinged and mechanical sounding guitar and gently swooping bassline, it recalls the intensity of the early work of Sharon Van Etten or Torres…”
UK Blus Bunny:
“More downbeat electro pop from Scandinavia with Lew – aka Sara Lewis – roughing up the sequenced beats with edgy electric guitars and her intense vocals. It might well be cold outside but there is heat in her music.”
UK Rock, punk indie magazine- With Guitars:
Uk Little Indie Blogs:
UK HIApop: